Become a member
The easiest way is to register at one of our events. Bring a document and the membership fee of 20 euros with you. For minors, the membership application must be signed by a legal guardian.
How to enroll from home:
1. Complete the membership application online. You can find it at . Please give the copy, which you will receive shortly afterwards by e-mail,
together with the data protection declaration, signed (in the case of minors, the signature of a
legal guardians) in the SSV office in Josef-Ferrari-Str. 26 or put it in the mailbox on
building entrance. Alternatively, you can also submit the form to the 25-Shop in Falzes.
2. Transfer the membership fee of 20 euros to the following account:
Iban: IT89B0803558242000300243736
Subject: "Membership fee FIRST NAME LAST NAME"
3. As soon as our office has processed your application, you will receive your digital membership card for the
current sports year by e-mail. You can save it on your smartphone and become a member
indicate, e.g. to take advantage of discounts at partner companies. You can get your membership shirt at
next personal meeting!